So often we allow worry to steal our joy. We neglect being present in the now because we are consumed with fears about the lack of provision for tomorrow, next week, or next year. Instead of trusting God to provide our daily bread and to meet us at the point of our needs each day, we choose to drown in the what-ifs and try to make things happen in our own strength which leaves us exhausted. We stress over things God has ALREADY taken care of.
One of my morning devotions discussed when God told Ananias to go pray for Saul and Ananias did not want to go. Saul was the biggest persecutor of the church. Ananias felt the mission was pointless, and his prayers would not change Ananias’ heart.
However, Ananias was unaware that God had ALREADY changed Saul on the road to Damascus. Like many of us, when God instructs us to do something and we do not understand why or want to do it, Ananias started telling God all the reasons why he should not go. In Acts of the Apostles 9:13, Ananias complained, “But Lord, I’ve heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem!” We tend to forget that God knows all things. He didn’t realize that God had ALREADY taken care of what worried him. When he went and prayed for Saul, instead of finding an enemy, he found someone who would become his biggest supporter.
Some of the things we worry about, God has ALREADY changed. We allow our worries to create mountains in our minds. We have to trust that God has ALREADY set the plan into motion…the provisions in motion…the healing in motion…the miracle in motion. He has ALREADY spoken to the right people, lined up the healing or breakthrough. WE HAVE TO SEE IT BEFORE WE SEE IT.
When we trust God, there is no reason to be worried because He has ALREADY taken care of everything that concerns us. The enemy loves to keep us in a state of worry because it keeps us from worshipping. Worship creates an atmosphere for God to move on our behalf.
Don’t let worry rob you of your peace and joy. You can trust God. He has a PROVEN track record. He has not failed yet, and He is not about to start now.
Thank you. This brought me peace. 🙏🏾